

Jaime Huffman coaches and consults with individuals, nonprofits, corporations, and universities on health and wellness-related topics.


Jaime speaks on a variety of wellness, technology, and productivity related topics. Interested? Contact us at

Past Speaking Engagements:

  • Company events

  • Community events

  • ISPA (International Spa Association)

  • HFTP (Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition & Conference)

  • International Resort Managers Association (IRMA)

  • AMTA


  • Host User Groups

Individual Coaching

Do you want to: lose weight or get healthier; increase your productivity, or create a reliable system so you can remember the important things in life?

Jaime and her team can help you by working with you one-on-one to tailor a program to fit with your lifestyle.

Membership program and courses are available, check with us for course availability.


Jaime Huffman coaches and consults with individuals, nonprofits, corporations, and universities on health and wellness-related topics ranging from health and wellness to productivity and organization.

Corporate Wellness Programing

We can create an engaging employee wellness programs for your team. Studies have shown that wellness programs in the workplace increase employee satisfaction and decrease absenteeism and turnover.