You are What You Eat and Repeat!
Jaime A Huffman Jaime A Huffman

You are What You Eat and Repeat!

If you have been reading my posts over the last 30 days you hopefully learned a few tips on healthy weight loss.

Here are the top ten tips in outline format. To learn more check out the links to the longer form content.

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How Alcohol Affects Weight Loss
Jaime A Huffman Jaime A Huffman

How Alcohol Affects Weight Loss

How Does Alcohol Affect Weight Loss? Are you trying to lose weight but can't get it off? Are you stuck? If so, alcohol could hold you back in more ways than one!

Most people think drinking each night won't hurt them. They often don't associate the weight gain from adding alcohol to our diets.

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I'm Really Out of Shape; How Can I Possibly Exercise? 
Jaime A Huffman Jaime A Huffman

I'm Really Out of Shape; How Can I Possibly Exercise? 

How I started exercising on my weight loss journey:

I got started by tracking my steps. In the beginning, I was only doing 5,000 steps. I worked at a desk and traveled quite a bit. Within a year, I consistently walked 12,500-15,000 steps a day.  

Step 1: Baseline. Start by seeing how many steps you take each day and increase it incrementally.  

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Watch Out For Creep
Jaime A Huffman Jaime A Huffman

Watch Out For Creep

Have you seen the creep in your life? The creep is unwanted pounds, spending more money than you have, clutter, and many other bad habits. It is also one negative thought, followed by another and another.

Here is how to avoid creep in your weight loss journey.

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Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals for Weight Loss
Jaime A Huffman Jaime A Huffman

Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals for Weight Loss

Setting Smart Goals for Weight Loss

These tips will show you how to set actionable weight loss goals using the SMART system.

Why do we need Goals? Goals are essential, and as humans, we like them. We want a map and directions, and most prefer not to have open loops. Goals guide our actions and keep us on track when we need help figuring out what to do or where to go.

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Aligning your Life's Priorities at Any Age Part 2
Jaime A Huffman Jaime A Huffman

Aligning your Life's Priorities at Any Age Part 2

The series covers life lessons I shared with my college students and employees for over 25 years as an executive, teacher, and board member. 

Never stop learning. I have taken classes or gained certifications since graduating from high school. I plan to continue to do this until I die. Don’t underestimate the value of education, formal and informal. It is an essential part of your growth. When you make education the cornerstone of your life and keep an open mind, you will find you can glean a lot from daily life and the advice of others. 

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Do You Know How to Breathe So Your Body and Mind Can Relax?
Jaime A Huffman Jaime A Huffman

Do You Know How to Breathe So Your Body and Mind Can Relax?

Do you know how to breathe so your body and mind can relax?

You likely know how to breathe. For most, the inhale and exhale are automatic physiological tasks we aren't conscious of. But do you know how to breathe so your body and mind can relax?

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8 of My Best Meal Time Tips For Losing Weight
Jaime A Huffman Jaime A Huffman

8 of My Best Meal Time Tips For Losing Weight

These 8 steps helped me lose over 80 pounds and keep it off.  

 Grief and busyness got the best of me; before I knew it, I had gained 80 pounds over two years. 

It took me a few years to get started, but once I gained momentum, it became easier each month. 

I have a background in health behavior change and like to test theories. I approached my weight loss the way I would coach someone else. Each week I evaluated what was working and what needed to be tweaked.  

The tips below remain in my life today and have helped me keep my weight off for over five years; the benchmark number in weight loss.  

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Portion Size and Weight Loss
Jaime A Huffman Jaime A Huffman

Portion Size and Weight Loss

Start now, Start small and bring your ideas to reality. It all begins with an idea and you can start taking steps today to actualize your business.

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Life Lessons | Part 1
Jaime A Huffman Jaime A Huffman

Life Lessons | Part 1

The series covers life lessons I shared with my college students and employees over 25 years as an executive, teacher, and board member.

While I don't believe there are shortcuts in life, I know we can glean wisdom from others to help us. I hope these tips will help you on your journey.

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