This series covers life lessons I shared with my college students and employees for over 25 years as an executive, teacher, and board member

 Never stop learning. I have taken classes or gained certifications since graduating from high school. I plan to continue to do this until I die. Don’t underestimate the value of education, formal and informal. It is essential part of your growth. When you make education the cornerstone of your life and keep an open mind, you will find you can glean a lot from daily life and the advice of others. 

Practice curiosity. Keep a sense of wonder about your work and all areas of your life. Being curious expands your interests. You may discover a passion you did not know you had.

 Allow time to process what you read and what dominates your thoughts. Your brain needs time to digest and process the information you intake. If you are working on a big project, you may get an “aha moment” in the shower or while working on something unrelated. Neuroscience confirms you need time away from your projects to connect the dots.

Keep a sense of humor about everything. Laughter will help you through tricky times and provide a surge of endorphins, the chemicals that make you feel good.

Did you know that even if you fake laugh for 15 seconds, your body will still get a dose of the feel-good chemicals? Go ahead, try it! Plus, if you do it at work, others will wonder what you are up to! Everyone wants to be around happy people.

Click here if you missed part 1 of this series.

Jaime A Huffman

Jaime Huffman, MPH, EdS, is a seasoned health and wellness professional with over 25 years of leadership experience in hospitality, education, and health care.

Jaime is passionate about education and using technology to form habits and live healthier lives. She started this website to share with you and create a community.

These Small Habits Changed My Life and They Will Change Yours Too!


Life Lessons | Part 1