3 More Habits to Feel Better

Habit #1: Know what your triggers are. You have likely heard the acronym “HALT,” which stands for “hungry, angry, lonely or tired.” We are not our best selves when we feel any of these things.

We covered hungry and tired yesterday. Next up is to ask yourself if you are angry or lonely. These two emotions can do a lot of harm if left unchecked. Call a friend or seek a counselor.

Habit #2: Carefully choose your routine each day. Don’t mindlessly grab your phone, tablet, or computer to look at the latest social media or turn on the news. Win the morning, win the day is an excellent faith-based book if you need help in this area.

Habit #3: Curate what you want to feel. Want to be more positive and uplifting? Choose uplifting music; want something positive check out one of many uplifting podcasts or audiobooks; read a book that motivates and inspires you. You don’t need to be a victim of societal programming.

A lot is happening in the world, but some fantastic people are out there. People who are kind, loving, and want to be a part of creating a better world.

You can help the world be a better place by being more mindful. Give people the benefit of the doubt, let someone out in traffic, hold the door for a stranger, and give a smile to the grocery clerk.

These small changes can have a significant impact on your life. They can affect your relationships, your joy, and your life satisfaction. Here is another post you might enjoy. Stay tuned as we explore these topics further in upcoming posts.

We covered two habits yesterday, so checked those out if you missed them.

Jaime A Huffman

Jaime Huffman, MPH, EdS, is a seasoned health and wellness professional with over 25 years of leadership experience in hospitality, education, and health care.

Jaime is passionate about education and using technology to form habits and live healthier lives. She started this website to share with you and create a community.


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These Small Habits Changed My Life and They Will Change Yours Too!