Life Is Up To You: 3 Habits That Will Make You Feel Better

Habit #1: When you first wake up, before you leave the bed, think of one thing you are grateful for. If you have more than one, excellent, name them all. 

Research has shown the first 68 seconds each morning can make or break your day. Think positively before you get out of bed. 

You now have the key to having an intentional day.  

Habit #2: Take a moment to acknowledge any improvements that you have made. It can be something like choosing to think a positive thought, flipping the tv from the news, choosing a smoothie over a donut, or getting a few more steps in by parking further away.

This helps your brain recognize good things.  You may find it hard in the beginning but keep on.  If you practice this daily you will become more positive.  Neurons that fire together, wire together. We will touch more on this in an upcoming post on learning and the brain.

Habit #3: Stop negative self-talk. Most of us engage in negative self-talk, especially when we don’t feel well. 

The rule is easy, if you would not say the same thing to the person you love most in the world, don’t say it to yourself. Not in your head, not out loud. Stop and see how you can reframe what you are thinking.

We covered 3 habits here or 2 more here, so click the links if you missed them.

Jaime A Huffman

Jaime Huffman, MPH, EdS, is a seasoned health and wellness professional with over 25 years of leadership experience in hospitality, education, and health care.

Jaime is passionate about education and using technology to form habits and live healthier lives. She started this website to share with you and create a community.

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