Two Habits to help you Feel Better Immediately

Habit #1: Get enough sleep. The amount of sleep varies for each person. Research shows that most people need 7-9 hours, and you can not compensate for lost sleep.

Set a bedtime time each night and stick to it no matter what. If you are rested, you can be more tolerant and a better spouse, parent, and employee.

The latest research shows that we need sleep for a multitude of reasons, but here are two you may not be aware of:

  1. Learning: Your brain is ridding itself of toxins while you sleep and consolidating what you have learned. If you have trouble remembering things, this could be one reason.

  2. Weight loss: Your body can let go of weight more quickly if you get enough sleep. It is not a magic pill but a critical ingredient in the battle against weight loss. Getting enough rest could give you the energy to exercise. Also, when you don't sleep enough, you crave bad foods and eat more.

Habit #2: Give your body proper nutrition to think and move. Don't skip meals, especially breakfast.

When we are hungry, our blood sugar drops, triggering a strong chemical reaction in our bodies, making us less tolerant.

Food should fuel your body. Ensure you are eating enough lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. If you can't do it because of time, try smoothies with high-quality protein powder.

These small changes can affect your relationships, your weight, & your overall joy and satisfaction in life.

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Jaime A Huffman

Jaime Huffman, MPH, EdS, is a seasoned health and wellness professional with over 25 years of leadership experience in hospitality, education, and health care.

Jaime is passionate about education and using technology to form habits and live healthier lives. She started this website to share with you and create a community.

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