Watch Out For Creep

In project management terminology, "creep" is when the work extends beyond its original scope. But this term applies to our everyday lives as well.

After reading this article, you will know how to avoid creep in your life.

When I think of creep, I imagine a shadow lurking nearby, searching for the opportunity to interfere with my well-being. 


The creep is unwanted pounds, more bills than money, clutter, and many other bad habits.  

 The creep can come in when we aren't diligent and leave the proverbial door open.

I have studied health behavior change for over 25 years. I successfully lost over 80 pounds. It hasn't always been easy, but I have kept it off for over five years.  

Five years is a significant milestone in weight loss. An in-depth review of 29 long-term studies shows that up to 80% regain weight during this time. This is why you must remain diligent even after you lose weight. It is not as dauting as it sounds, once you get the hang of it.

Have you seen the creep in your life? In addition to excess pounds it can also be one to many drinks, or negative thoughts. The creep comes in many forms. Keep your mind strong.

Here is how to avoid creep in your weight loss journey.

Stay diligent. Weigh yourself weekly and record your weight and steps. People who track these items by writing them down stick to their plan more often.  

    People get a bit lax after a few years of weight loss. You may exercise less, start to indulge a bit more, and before you know it, the weight has crept back on. 

Ensure you set smart goals by reading this article. Free downloadable workbook available.

Set aside time to review your goals and budget and clear the clutter. You will find it freeing likely to be more productive and experience more creativity.

Watch out for elastic bands in your pants and stretchy clothes in general. If you have to wear a uniform to work, you may be surprised by a few extra pounds that crept on over time. Elastic is good at hiding weight gain. 

 Following these tips are the healthiest way to keep your weight down. 

Remember, you are seeking progress, not perfection. 

   Want to learn more about healthy weight loss? We have a series of articles that you may be interested in reading.  

After that, check our most popular articles, tips on grocery shopping for weight loss, and best mealtime tips for losing weight.

**Consult your doctor before changing your diet and exercise regime.

Jaime A Huffman

Jaime Huffman, MPH, EdS, is a seasoned health and wellness professional with over 25 years of leadership experience in hospitality, education, and health care.

Jaime is passionate about education and using technology to form habits and live healthier lives. She started this website to share with you and create a community.

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Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals for Weight Loss