Would you Like to Create, Publish, Make Videos or Pursue a Creative Endeavor?

If you answered yes to any of the questions then you should start today. You likely already have enough knowledge. See what you can create with what you have.

“Knowledge is power only to the extent that it is organized into a definite plan of action and directed to a definite end.” N Hill

Start small, and make something with what you already have

Learn by doing. With practice comes mastery

How can you make it easier to create

Mindset - get to create vs. have to

Use constraints = advantage

Begin today

“Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline.” Jim Collins

Let’s start now!

By creating SMART goals you will go further, faster.  Let’s make one now.   Here is a refresher if you need it.

What is your first goal?

Fill in the blank:

I will post one_____________ (article, video, etc) about _____________(subject)  by __/___/__ (date).

This is your first declaration statement.  Consider putting it out there and hold yourself accountable.

Should you get an accountability partner?

In habit change, an accountability partner, is someone that holds you accountable but also helps you get over your fears and encourages you.

Consider pairing up with someone to hold you accountable. Research confirms you will have higher success in all areas if you do (writing, videos, weight loss, etc.)

Once you get the momentum going, you may be surprised by what you can accomplish. Even using 10 minutes a day you can get a lot done.

Jaime A Huffman

Jaime Huffman, MPH, EdS, is a seasoned health and wellness professional with over 25 years of leadership experience in hospitality, education, and health care.

Jaime is passionate about education and using technology to form habits and live healthier lives. She started this website to share with you and create a community.


When in Doubt, Clear to Zero


New to Making Content? 9 Tips to Help You Get Started.